【觀後感】Disgruntled Royalty

United we stand, divided we fall.
I remember hearing that when I was very young.
Yet each new story back then was designed to stigmatize, designed to divide rather than unite.
So I wondered if we wanted to fall?
Why would we want that? Unless we didn't know what falling entailed.
Did we not realized how high we have climb? No, I don't think we did.
Crime, murder sexual assault, it all declined dramatically.
Yet we were led to believe that we were in constant danger. Even our war were tiny compare to they once were. And the diseases that threaten our existence were conquered by science people didn't believe because they didn't understand it even as it saved their lives.
Our media focused mainly on bad because that is what people flocked to see. So the world was made to seem bad.
這部「Disgruntled Royalty 不滿的王權」是Youtube著名無神論頻道Darkmatter2525製作的影片。描述再文明毀滅後最後一位有著過去文明記憶的人如何看待衰退回原始部落的人類與過往輝煌的現代文明。很多論點都十分深刻且令我認同,以上的文字即是節選自影片中的台詞。

